
Date Conferences Duration Speaker Price
Oct 10, 2024 Workplace Violence is Becoming All Too Common. Are You Prepared? 60 Mins Joe Keenan $199.00
Date Conferences Duration Speaker Price
Sep 26, 2024 Emergency Preparedness – What To Do In Case of Fire, Flood, Tornado, Bomb Threat, Power Outage, etc. 60 Mins Joe Keenan $199.00
Date Conferences Duration Speaker Price
Sep 13, 2023 Excel - Pivot Tables - The Key To Modern Data Analysis and Reporting 60 Mins Mike Thomas $199.00
Aug 22, 2023 Excel - Importing and Managing List-Based Data 60 Mins Mike Thomas $199.00
Aug 16, 2023 Navigating Microsoft Excel - Lookups, Formulas, Functions & Managing List Based Data 180 Mins Mike Thomas $399.00
Jul 25, 2023 Outlook: Master Your Mailbox - Inbox Hero Inbox Zero 60 Mins Mike Thomas $199.00
Apr 13, 2023 Excel - Mastering Lookup Functions 60 Mins Mike Thomas $199.00
Feb 23, 2023 Excel Basics - Formulas and Functions 101 60 Mins Mike Thomas $199.00
Oct 05, 2022 Power BI - Create Compelling Interactive Reports 90 Mins Mike Thomas $199.00
Jul 27, 2022 Excel’s Most Popular Productivity-Boosting Functions 90 Mins Mike Thomas $199.00
Jun 22, 2022 Outlook On steroids 60 Mins Melissa Esquibel $199.00
May 03, 2021 Mastering Excel 2013 Formulas and Functions 60 Mins Peercompliance Trainer $199.00
Mar 23, 2021 Control Outlook Inbox Chaos 60 Mins Melissa Esquibel $199.00
Mar 01, 2021 Increase Productivity using Microsoft Excel pivot tables, pivot charts, slicers, and timelines 60 Mins Peercompliance Trainer $199.00
Feb 01, 2021 Improving Productivity Using OneNote 60 Mins Peer Compliance $199.00
Feb 01, 2021 Advanced Microsoft Excel Pivot Tables: Data Analytics Made Simple 60 Mins Peercompliance Trainer $199.00

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